Thursday, 27 November 2008

Discussions of the Trio

Ok, the last two weeks are here. We've been timetabling and discusiing what to do duirng this last week, let me recap to remind you lot.

This week we are completing the textures, I've mention I'm having difficulties and I'm hoping Michael can help me test some patterns during this week. But I'm sure I can get it done. Michael and Leonard have tested Lighting and Camera tests so when the final weeks comes we can add this into play and it should be ready to render. Though you're going to need the complete models from us. I like to see Leonard's texture of the Haunted House, Trumpet-Object, gate and ride within this time too. if you're have problems like I am come and meet up this thursday or friday and we can get this sorted out.

It's quite a simple table but we've discuessed the layout and planning some weeks back and it matters to these final touches to get the project to work

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